Location and Directions
Seeking assistance for ISO 14000/01?
Call us for our hands-on, practical answers to your compliance needs and concerns. Our experience in the field of wastewater treatment is extensive, including over 30,000 client samples tested in the last 5 years. We have accumulated knowledge that covers many aspects of the field. We can consult with you on the best approach to your particular wastewater treatment needs, including engineering, fluid handling, compliance to regulatory requirements-customized to your individual needs.
We offer this service at no charge. Call us at (248) 236-9800 or complete our online form.
Wastewater Engineers, Inc.
Address: 210 Coy Court
Oxford MI 48371
Phone: (248) 236-9800
Fax: (248) 236-9870
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm